MacRhino Picture Frame files grayed out (always)

HA!! Right you are Jeff! I never use the command line and access ALL of my tools directly from the tool pallets on my secondary monitor. Sure enough, the dialog appears in the left hand area after selecting my image. Gee…, I wonder what other options I’ve missed by ignoring the Command line area :wink: Just goes to show how “programmed” I am as a die hard Mac Head to ignore text input and rely on graphical icons for all my needs. That’s why I wasted $10k on Maya as my modeling tool, only to hate it and change to MacRhino. Thanks for sticking with me on this. I do wonder why McNeel doesn’t put things like this win their Preferences panel (where they normally would be found in a Mac app). Even after using Rhino for 2+ years, I still get stuck on dumb stuff like this. But the program is still awesome! Thanks again :slight_smile: