Trying to dowlnoad the 90 day trial onto my Mac however it will ask for the email once i have downloaded it and it will say No Licenses Found - I enter the licence key given to me and it says it has expired even though i have never used it.
this is becoming ridiculous.
You are allowed only one evaluation. You have had already several. Your first evaluation started in January.
It seems you have determined Rhino is a useful tool for you to own…
I invite you to purchase a permanent license at:
If you’re a student or faculty, then use the Students and Faculty tab for reduced pricing and proof of EDU status requirements. EDU licenses are permanent, have no maintenance fees, and can be used for commercial work when you leave school. EDU licenses are 80% off compared to a Commercial license.
If you do not buy a license now and need one after you are no longer a student, it will cost $1,000.
It’s going to last for awhile until all of the people (students, teachers, assistants etc.) who have been passing around the information on how to get more than one eval period have understood that it doesn’t work anymore.