Yes please!
Another vote for this!
Also adding my vote here.
Have been pleading for this repeatedly in:
Hi -
I’ve added the feature request of separating the command line from other panels as RH-71073 CommandPrompt: Port Windows style to the macOS version
As things stand now, this is not something that will be in 8.0.
That’s a shame. Is it really that hard? seems like an easy mod that would make a lot of users very happy.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Rhino very slow on M1 Mac
Redoing the whole Mac UI to be like Windows, and yet keeping the worst feature from the old UI as a hangover… It is such shame. and the worst policy mistake I can imagine for Mac-R8 . Why?
Then at least please bring back the floating command prop/search that worked very well in 5 , 6 & 7. We had good access to command options in the floating version, and it didn’t persistently cover 1/4 of the MBP screen space, as is now I one wish to have access to the command options .
Hi Akash -
That looks like it has a bigger chance of getting done: RH-69855 Port floating command prompt to new UI
Yes, exactly - why??? Sorry, but that’s very disappointing…
I always preferred the floating command line in rhino. Just typing the command allowed the command line to come up and place the command options floating window next to my model was a huge convenience IMO. This allow for less space to be taken up in the UI. Allowing the command only to show while you needed and disappeared when you were done was a lot cleaner. BRING IT BACK!
Any news on this?
The feature is marked as being one of the things that we want to ship with Rhino 8, other than that, I can’t give any info on when this will be ready.
Thats great news!
Please, bring back the floating command Panel
You can enabled the old Command Options Dialog in the RhinoWIP from Settings > View > Command window. I’m really not sure that’s the right spot to put this setting though.