They did… in 2007. Unfortunately, they made up their minds that the interface should be different for the two platforms. And that’s the way it’s going to stay.
The theory was that the “crossover” cases would be few. IMO that part was underestimated, but it’s still a relatively small percentage of users as far as I know. It’s just not a lot of fun if you happen to fall into that particular group.
not entirely… different OS have different paradigms…
for example, should the Save dialogue look/act the same on both versions of Rhino?
because to me, i’d be bummed if a dialog like that didn’t act like all the other ones i’m used to.
(speaking of which, the Grasshopper save dialog is weird on Mac… it’s PC like(?)… you want to hit Return to save but doing that in GH means Cancel… I meant to make a post about it this weekend but ran out of time)
Do you really prefer that McNeel split its resources between Win and Mac, slowing down Rhino’s development, instead of working on a single version, graphic interface included ?
BTW … I find this really annoying also on a Win PC … just like toolbar buttons, I regurarly hit Enter after editing a command … and have to do the whole thing again …