Lunchbox Space Frame... "glass" and points?

Wow… so lunchbox is fun! But I don’t have a lot of time to play at the moment since I’m trying to do something I’ll actually use :slight_smile:

Basically, I followed this tutorial
pool space (6.5 KB)

However, I want to create panels to fill in the “pyramids”.

And, I have no idea how to go about doing this. I thought about making points for one of the pyramids & creating an array, but 1) that’s probably not the best way, 2) I don’t know how to extract the points, and 3) it wouldnt’ work for a structure based on a wavy curve.

Would also like to find a tutorial about extracting points so I can use them to create other associate geometry.

Any suggestions?


You could use Weaverbird’s Mesh From Lines.

pool space (8.4 KB)

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Thanks! I’d seen Weaverbird mentioned & in videos, but wasn’t sure what it did. I’ll check this out.