Lose toolbar and screen layout when rhino closes

I’ve been a long time away from using rhino (10ish years?) - and have a noob question:

I set up custm toolbars and screen layout etc and get on with my work. But when rhino closes and re-opens everything is back to default.

What setting do I need to change to preserve the interface as I last had it.

Also secondary less important q- rhino closes when the computer goes to sleep… any hints on that?

Hi Rob - Rhino should open as the last instance that was open as it closed - are you finding that is not the case?


hmm… So I’ve been playing with it and – if I deliberately save/close rhino and reopen, then it opens as last instance. yay!

But when computer went to sleep, rhino closed and then it opened as default (turns out this was actually the problem I was having).
I played with computer power/sleep settings (I increased it to hours before it went to sleep instead of a few min) and that seems to have resolved it but I’v not idea why or how… (new computer btw).

Thanks Pascal - super quick response!