Looking for insight on the OBJ export function

I use rhino to create tabletop game models, 3d printed from the excellent STL exporter…

Recently I have had the need to export to OBJ files instead… the reason being apparently there is a tabletop game simulator that can import OBJ files which would allow the game to be played online…

a reference to the importer info is here

the two points that strike be as things to check would be:

  • Triangulate all your meshes/models to avoid holes.
  • Make sure the normals on your mesh are facing the right direction.

It seemed to go OK at first… I can create a OBJ model that’s well under the poly limit…

and the UV direction seems OK to my eye…

the pollys look fine too although the ref mentions using triangles… Is there a setting that allows this to be set?

I have lots of rectangular polys

The issue I have is nothing other then rhino seems to be able to load the resulting obj

cura won’t load it at all, niether will the importer

the best i can get is with my form labs slicer…

Any tips? how do i get nice OBJ exports of my rhino models?


Hi Brian,

Its best to modify the mesh first in Rhino rather than rely on any OBJ export options. Firstly make the model a mesh (in case it is nurbs) Then there is a series of things you can do.

If you don’t need multiple mesh parts you can Join then Weld the mesh.
To triangulate the mesh use the TriangulateMesh command. Then unify the mesh normals with UnifyMeshNormalscommand.

I usually do those steps first then I run the MeshRepair command which will give you a bunch of info on the mesh and fixes.