Looking for a plugin to help with sun exposure/shading study

As the title implies, I’m looking for some plugin, script, etc that any of you might be able to point me to. I have a building in Rhino and I’d like to do a study of how much light exposure (or how much shadow) the ground plane receives throughout the year and create a heat map or something similar to show this.

I’m not looking for sun exposure on the building, but to show the areas on the ground that will be shadowed more or less at different altitudes and azimuths of the sun, all added up and averaged across the year. Thanks in advance!

Hi - I think you can achieve that with the Ladybug tools (https://discourse.ladybug.tools/). Apart from that, you could search for “shade” on both Food4Rhino and Grasshopper Docs to find plug-ins. TRNLIZARD and LYNX4D appear to be candidates…


Tutorial video

