Hi All,
The loft surface does not work as expected, I tried it both in Python and C# and get the same problem. Whereas when I use the Loft command in Rhino directly, I get the expected surface. Could anyone help me in fixing this problem, by adjusting the seams in the code. I have attached the input curves and the two different outputs.
Here is the python code
def RunCommand( is_interactive ):
crvids = rs.GetObjects(message="select curves to loft", filter=rs.filter.curve, minimum_count=2)
if not crvids:
rs.AddLoftSrf(object_ids=crvids, loft_type = 3) #3 = tight
# if joinedCurves <> None:
# doc.Views.Redraw()
return Result.Success
if __name__ == "__main__":
inputCurves.3dm (43.3 KB)
RhinoLoft.3dm (234.8 KB)
RhinoPythonLoft.3dm (234.8 KB)