Loft between edge/edge loop

Been trying my limited library of commands i know how to use in Rhino after swapping from Fusion. I want a surface between the upper and lower open edges of this shape that I can modify before making it a solid body with the original mesh as the hollowed centre.

forum question.3dm (220.8 KB)

Hi, I am bloody beginner myself, but I copied a curve (5th row all the way around) pasted it, joined it and the with the “patch” command created this surface. Is it that what you were looking for?

Was the very top and very bottom loop I was trying to get a connection between. A kind of skirt/cylinder, loft has tended to work for this in other programs Ive experimented with.

aha, the top and bottom ones are planar. They can be capped with “cap”.
Oh and for the “patch”, copy + paste and then join is not necessary - just patch command and select the curve.

Not a connection for the top and the bottom (cap) but a loft between the top and bottom edges vertically on the outside of the object

aha, sorry, I was just trying to help (with the little I know so far)

Managed something similiar but the number of edges isnt the same so I cant bridge/stitch

they match here:

but maybe someone who knows more will say something about it … Good luck.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to do. Need some practice with Meshes myself however.

Depending on what you are trying to achieve there are A LOT of tools at your disposal, including converting the mesh to Nurbs or Subd.

I’ve attached my sample just in case it helps.

Forum Question - Quad Re-meshed.3dm (2.0 MB)

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Here is a picture of the external body I have made from the same internal mesh in Fusion. Lofted from a sketch network. I think I need to brush up on selection/snapping in Rhino to end up with similar results. Like you say ALOT of tools in Rhino! Ill look into nurbs as well :slight_smile:

including the hole on the side:

of course the outer shape ca be formed any other way

Yeah from that stage, add edge loops and free form as desired, what command did you use here?

Selected the top and the bottom ring, copied an pasted it in the same place, joined each to be a closed circle and then duplicated the top one several times and resized it. Then I used “loft” to combine. In the end I did the same copy-paste-join with the side hole to use it for cutting the hole in the outer shell. Here is the file also attached. Hope it helps?

forum question_togo.3dm (3.6 MB)

… and: you could use “record history” to edit the shape and size of the duplicated rings …

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Thats amazing! Tyvm

Got plenty to play with now ^^

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great, glad I could help.

You could mark it as solved then?

Sorry! First post :slight_smile:

How do you achieve this kind of regular mesh (right) from the triangular irregular mesh (left)?

Quad remesh in sub d or mesh tools