Live Coding Rhino #4

It’s been almost a week since Live Coding Rhino #3.

Time for episod 4 in the live stream series! Tomorrow Wednesday, December 8th at 10:30 EET / 08:30 UTC.

We’ll continue with the display conduit and build out our first command even more. Perhaps we get to start doing some custom object or custom user data as well.

Join me for coding at a mellow pace, unedited and raw. Who knows, maybe this time fewer mistakes (:

If you are more into Twitch than YouTube you can join around that time at Twitch .


As a result of todays stream the preview is now interactive. Thanks to the users who were joined in chat we got it to work :slight_smile:

Code has been pushed as Make the jesterBox command show an interactive preview. · jesterKing/rhics@f131c46 · GitHub

As a reminder the code can be also read at - or in case that link (in the future) doesn’t work at least should have a link to the jesterLiveCode book.