List Matching: X inputs produces X^2 objects

Newbie here. I’m trying to generate a row of adjoining houses, each with different random attributes.

I’ve created a Building cluster and am passing it lists of parameters, each of equal length. I am ending up with X^2 number of houses, when I want X. I believe it has to do with the Group component inside the cluster, which combines each door and house shape. What am I missing?

Thanks! (31.7 KB)

Same topic here:

Oops, posted that first one prematurely without the file and couldn’t find how to delete it. I’ve deleted it now.

here inside the cluster you can merge and graft the different parts into a single data tree, and graft the input of Transform

result: (33.1 KB)

if you are having troubles with data-trees I would advice for these videos:

Incredible, thanks so much! Especially for the videos!