I am trying to use Grasshopper to create a parametric model of the louver system from the CAFE Louverwall building, pictured here:
My plan was to create a series of points along two edges, use them as the starting points for lines projecting at a angle using Line SDL, drawn on the surface of the non-planar Surface, and ending when they met a boundary line. But I have no idea how to really accomplish that, or even if that is the right way to go about creating the model.
I am running into trouble with several things:
First, what component/command I can use to “define” my surface as the “Surface” command only seems to take “surfaces” and not “polysurfaces.”
Second, how to make the lines follow the surface of the Polysurface.
Third, how to make the lines stop when they hit the edge of the Polysurface.
Hopefully the attached images clarify, let me know if something isn’t clear, and thank you. Any help is really appreciated.
Forum question model.3dm (1.7 MB) Forum question.gh (22.0 KB)