Line vs LineCurve

Hi I am having some issue understanding the LineCurve class in the API and I wasn’t able to find more information on the internet.
Would appreciate if someone can help expalin the purpose of the LineCurve class

Also, I am hoping to duplicate a Line object, but
can’t seem to find a Line(Line) constructor or Duplicate() method under Line class, but I do find a constructor LineCurve(Line)
Did I miss an easy way to do this? Is there a constructor somewhere? Or is there anyway to convert LineCurve to a Line object? Thanks

A Line in RhinoCommon is just two points, start and end. A LineCurve is an actual curve object. The Polyline and PolylineCurve objects are similar, a Polyline is just an ordered collection of points, whereas a PolylineCurve is an actual curve object.

Thanks. And nevermind, I found I can do LineCurve(Line line).Line to get a duplicate of the line