Is it possible to assign a key stroke to display color? I assign different colors to lines that represent various tools, cut, crease, perf etc. the option of assigning an alias, or a function key would help speed up my workflow.
Hi @rhinoatwork20
Make an alias or assign to shortcut:
-Properties Object Color Object insert_color_name Enter Enter
The color name can be any of the predifed colors, eg. Green, Violet, Brown etc. Or you can specify them using comma-separated RBG (and opacity) values, eg. 30,90,180,150 for semi-transparent blue.
As an alternative, you can use: -Properties Object Color Object ColorPicker Enter Enter
to bring up the colorpicker.
HTH, Jakob
-_Properties _Pause _Object _Color _Object Green _EnterEnd
However - personally I would specify an RGB value and not a named color. Why?
Two reasons -
colors are not localized, so for example in French, the above macro will not work, it wants Vert instead
Named colors with spaces in the name don’t work. They should, but they don’t. In theory if you enclose a string (with or without spaces) in quotes it should pass. But it doesn’t in this case. -_Properties _Pause _Object _Color _Object "Green" _EnterEnd does not work.
This looks like a bug maybe. So if you want “Dark Blue”, you’re out of luck
This always works and in any language: -_Properties _Pause _Object _Color _Object 0,255,0 _EnterEnd