it wasn’t at %TEMP% \McNeel\Rhino\V6
But I searched for the file name and found it in C:\Users\djhg\AppData\Local\Temp
Maybe this is because I used “captureToFile”
This is part of the problem solved. But you can save me a lot more experimentation if you can explain the relationship between the OPtions>advanced>raytrace[etc] settings and those in the Capture settings window:
Sometimes the Capture Window opens with default settings needing adjustment, in which case…
- Inputting the fields in the latter is so unresponsive as to be unworkable, as the render is already attempting to render the view port. ED: The viewport render may have to be paused to do this.
- Locking the proportions displays unexpected results. ED: The viewport render may to be paused to do this also.
- The input fields seem unresponsive to any selections in the “scale” field, and needing to know how this relates to whatever dpi is set in Options seems particularly important.
And yet sometimes the Capture panel opens up with pixel dimension settings which appear to match the dpi setting in options as it relates to the pixel dimensions of the viewport window. Lately that’s been the case, but it’s a fluke. I don’t know how I accomplished it (but because I did, I don’t have to deal with the three issues above - for now.)
(Ed: Some of the below is addressed a post i have discovered about fireflies here: Raytraced/render . My project has quite a few reflective objects and bright light sources so I’m now trying clamping and filter glossy. However I still have crashing if I attempt to change the vIew mode as per the next post.)
I think the saved rendered png is too speckly to be the image resolution I chose. Despite all the GPU processing time I think it’s simply upressed the viewport resolution image. (This might explain why the 3D processing module of the GPU was inactive for the Capture process.) (Ed: I tried rerendering/capturing again with the default dpi setting of 1 - dpi was set to .6 for the below - but the same speckles result.)
The viewport resolution render has been looking too speckly too. It looks like the sort of noise one gets in the lower-intensive AO settings.
Something must be off with the Raytraced Render, because A Rhino Render of the same scene at the same reolution looks like this:
Since advised 6 days ago (i’;ve been at this every day alomst full time since then) to use Raytraced because it’s better at this than Render, I’m hoping you can help me get it right.
btw, the ViewCaptureToClipboard’s resolution input fields were inaccessible. I can only set them in ViewCaptureToFile.
Before I attempted to generate a render of a higher resolution than the viewport display, I somehow saved the below render at a resolution matching the viewport. A segement of this rendering is below.
I thought the higher resolution renders shown at the start of this post would smooth out continuous tones, but it’s made them worse.