So you’ve obviously done your homework and consulted a patent attorney already then?
Good luck! I’ve never heard of anyone before even attempting to use “Cost efficiency” as a defence when sued for Patent Infringement, let alone being successful.
That just sounds a lot like trying to do the same thing that’s patented, only cheaper. Competitors doing exactly the same thing, is precisely what patents were invented to prevent (until they expire), regardless of whether those competitors planned to do so more cost efficiently, or less cost efficientlly.
If they targeted a more valuable market, spending more and being ‘less’ efficient could well make business sense.
But the manufacturing costs of a competitor (without a huge nation state with a colossal manufacturing industry to back them up) who is breaking the law don’t matter in the slightest. That’s just the details of their business model. They’re still guilty of patent infringement.
Even if you’re not guilty (if you don’t have a huge nation state backing you up), if you design something that’s so similar to an established competitor’s designs that it takes market share, (even if you didn’t just literally link to material featuring them in a public forum, proving you were aware of their prior art before even you started beyond a white board and a Rhino .3dm file containing the design for the S-64 Sky Crane) you should set aside something in the budget as a war chest, to prepare for aggressive litigation from that competitor and their huge investors, when they defend their legal rights.
You need to drop this. Take a day off, or even a week off. Go outside and enjoy some fresh air. Think about other things.
You’re a talented architectural designer with a successful track record working on civil building projects. Stick to what you’re good at. You’ll come up something else that isn’t covered by a competitor’s patents in no time.
Are you Cyberbullying me
to make me stop my research and development project regarding tactical defense units? Using external material for personal studies doesn’t go against copyright.
“successful track record working on civil building”
James buddy, you haven’t seen my full portfolio yet:
Parametric design: Bogdan Chipara
Brand Development:
Art & Craft:
Weight calculation:
500mm³+1300mm³+1000mm³+225mm³+130mm³=3155mm³ (3.2 cm³)
- PLA Density: 1.25 g/cm³
(Black Hornet: 18g)
New idea: I think the urban police could also benefit from this kind of intel.
Basic Grasshopper functions can offer lots of information!
Simple parametrics below:
- Body Scale, Volume and Centroid
- Motor Z Position
- Motor Height and Radius to determine the Motor Volume
- Tail Lenght, Radius and X Position
The only imput is the Body Mesh.
Motor positioned on the Z axis of the Body Centroid, it can be positioned Ouside or Inside the Body.
Tail positioned on the X axis of the Body Centroid and it has also Variable Dimensions.
Tech Specs for Nano Drones on intoFPV
Its about the Black Hornet v3 and the Black Hornet Nano helicopter drones.
The Hornet Nano (pd-100?):
100mm long x 25mm
rotorspan = 100mm
topspeed = 35km/h
+video and tilt
range = 1000m
flight time = 30minutes
weight=15grams incl battery and camera
“the smaller the engines are, the less efficient they get”
And what battery would be required…so far it consumes 465mA/5v = 2.33Wh.
Its flight time is at least 25 minutes and within that time 0.97 Watts will have been consumed.
A 300mAh lipo at 80% discharge contains 1.73Wh, so more then half of the available energy will have already been reserved.
Can one motor even spin 20 minutes without load on the remaining 0.76Wh?
Seems very unlikely, but a 50C 300mAh lipo weights 16 grams, bringing the total of this incomplete list to 33.9 grams, which is already over the limit.
It would seem that they would use even smaller accus, but are there even any motors on the market that small with that much efficiency?
It feels like this whole product is fake… I know it isn’t, but the gap is pretty unbelievable.(I would not expect it to fly over 5 minutes yet it achieves five times as much flight time)
The smallest and most efficient engines that I could find btw where there
6000KV 4.216 g/W at 50% throttle at 3s I could find no smaller engines that performed close to this.
Notes of launching without UI: