Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for product design

Dear Rhino users (and abusers)

In my company we have discussed that we want to be able to give a more quantitative assessment of environmental impacts of the products we design. Both for us and for the client that will be of value.
However most of the solutions out there seem to be made for much larger companies. We’re just 5 people and it can’t be overly complex or expensive. Embedded co2 and perhaps a few other general environmental impacts from different materials would probably be what we want keep track of.

Does anyone have some experience/advice? A place to start looking perhaps.

Best regards

I’d be more than happy to help you.
I think I can work around your requirements and deliver a simple solution that will meet your office needs, without being overly expensive.
My portfolio :
I have done many projects similar to this one, you can reach out to me at
