Library Opennest error

Dear team,

I have just started getting this error upon upload on Shapediver, I had not had any issues previously.
What can you suggest?
Here is a screenshot along with a package manager shot.

It seems the model you are trying to upload has been saved using a version of OpenNest called 1.3.4e. This doesn’t appear to be a valid version number, hence the error message. Please save the model using another version of OpenNest, currently we support up to 1.5.0.

Thanks Alexander. Are you sure about this as the screenshot above shows that my version of Opennest is 1.5.0.

It seems the versioning information in this version of OpenNest is broken. Please do the following:

  • Try to use previous versions of OpenNest, which are available using Rhino’s package manager.
  • Be sure to always open and save your Grasshopper model after installing another version of OpenNest.
  • Upload your model in the XML ghx file format. This will allow us to inspect OpenNest’s versioning information stored in the model easily.