Levels panel wish - turn off layers below

Don’t worry Eugen, dark theme support and multiple level selections are going to happen way before we move to Eto (or another multiplatform UI library).


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Hello! Giving this initial wish a bump, because each and every day when working on that project with 20 levels, I have to do this clicking game to turn off all levels below a certain level.
Turning off all levels above is just a double click away. Can you not make an exception and add the feature to turn off the levels below with some simple shortcut with the next release? This is not a complicated thing, I believe.
Thanks for you understanding!

Hi @Eugen,

I will try to fix this in VisualARQ 2.13. I think the best solution is to support multiple selection in the level manager, so you can click on one level, then shift+click on another level to select all levels between, and finally show/hide the selected levels.



Great, thank you, Enric!
Just a question: does the level clipping algorithm already support more than 2 ‘clips’? Meaning multiple separate levels are shown instead of just one ‘chunk’ of levels?

Anyway, the way you describe it would be fine for now.
Thanks again!

This is not currently supported in VisualARQ 2, but we’ll support it in VisualARQ 3. There are many great improvements regarding Building/Level management coming in VisualARQ 3.


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You are really keeping us in suspense… If VA3 holds what it promises… good times ahead!
(However, McNeel needs to sort out some rough spots in their layout/detail layer management, too. I really hope they manage this in R8.)

@eugen I’m sure you are already aware of these new features, but just in case others bump into this post: In VisualARQ 3 you can now isolate buildings and levels with a command in the building/level contextual menu.
You can also hide/show non consecutive levels, or select multiple levels and turn them off at once.

You can see how it works in this video: https://youtu.be/tiFcS3u7-fI?si=XI8c2u6Nwf88RvD1

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