Hi! I would like to create a 3D graphic that will look in the end like this:
What would be the best way to do it? I thought maybe something about the Nautilus plugin from @laurent_delrieu could work for it.
Basically I just got it so far to place some text
Could someone help me with that?
(Jessesn Chen)
January 26, 2025, 12:22am
January 26, 2025, 12:22am
what about a radial blur “zoom” in photoshop ?
Cool, thank you! How can the distribution of fibers be even more organic? And how can I get a 3D mesh object from it?
Cool idea. But then it becomes blurry
What is an organic distribution ? here Populate geometry is quite organic.
Hexagons like the bee construction or some lava fields ?
you can look at poisson disk sampling
I feel Populate Geometry is too slow comparing to its simple functionality.
For example, 50000 points takes 14mins on my machine. Populate 2D was even slower.
Why is this? Is it computing Voronoi diagram or something?
Is there a way to speed this up?
I can propose another way, that could work on quite all 3d shapes. Funny thing @DanielPiker pointed a tool and I wanted to test another of my tool and (re)discovered its works in 3D !!!
As there are many many variation, here is one way but many parts could be changed …
I began by meshing you bottle using Triremesh.
Then I wanted to apply some colors in order to have different size of droplets. So I use Mesh Noise from Nautilus with some Scale NU in order to have elongated shapes.
Finally tracked down a bug in the GH2 spatial tree searching algorithms. The variable density Poisson sampling works. (These images are part of the diagnostics project. The leftmost image maps linear distance to the ring onto the desired density, the rightmost image uses a 2D simplex noise generator)
[2D%20samples%20(radius%3Dring)] [2D%20samples%20(radius%3Dwave)]
These are basically improved Populate2D algorithms. Both much faster and more flexible.
You can use pipe then mesh or mesh pipe (plugin) but it will make many meshes. You can join then to have a single mesh but it will not be a single solid.
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(Jessesn Chen)
January 27, 2025, 12:16am
You can assign a slider to the Seed option of Populate component to achieve it,
Mesh Sphere
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