Letters in fiberglass

Hi! I would like to create a 3D graphic that will look in the end like this:

What would be the best way to do it? I thought maybe something about the Nautilus plugin from @laurent_delrieu could work for it.

Basically I just got it so far to place some text :slightly_smiling_face:

Could someone help me with that?


LetterInFiberglass.gh (10.6 KB)

what about a radial blur “zoom” in photoshop ?

Cool, thank you! How can the distribution of fibers be even more organic? And how can I get a 3D mesh object from it?

Cool idea. But then it becomes blurry :slight_smile:


What is an organic distribution ? here Populate geometry is quite organic.
Hexagons like the bee construction or some lava fields ?
you can look at poisson disk sampling

You can use pipe then mesh or mesh pipe (plugin) but it will make many meshes. You can join then to have a single mesh but it will not be a single solid.

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You can assign a slider to the Seed option of Populate component to achieve it,

Mesh Sphere

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Amazing, thank you