"Legacy" v. of R 7 for Mac - specifically 7.25 to use w/ Ladybug 1.6.0

Hi there,

is it possible to / where can I download “legacy” versions of Rhino 7 for Mac - specifically 7.25 for compatibility w/ Ladybug 1.6.0 … the current 7.27 crashes when trying to load installer.gh.


Hi Achim -

7.25 can be downloaded here.
Can you please also confirm that reverting to that build fixes the issue on your end?

Hi Wim,

thanks! Yes, w/ 7.25 installing Ladybug 1.6.0 worked fine.



Thanks for confirming that, Achim!
That doesn’t sound good, though… :see_no_evil:
@chris12 - do you know what’s up here? I haven’t seen reports on the LBT disco but 7.27 is new…

… in hindsight, I may have been looking at the / a wrong problem. I have a grasshopper file from students which – when opened and trying to download and install “Unrecognized Objects” (see screenshot) – seems to kill the entire Rhino/Grasshopper installation/functionality. After installing 7.27, I also had tried this student document, and tried installing Ladybug later. I just couldn’t believe that it would be possible to make the program installation stale by simply (trying to) opening a document and so followed up the “compatibility list” available. After I did the “download and install” thing w/ 7.25, again it was impossible to open any Grasshopper file … (I now re-installed 7.25, though).

If interested, the delinquent student document is attached.



<img width=“609” height=“389” style=“width:6.3437in;height:4.052in” id=“Picture_x0020_5” src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mcneel/uploads/default/original/4X/c/5/6/c56527f15c7b8726ceb8563acbb59b10c189f865.png” alt="Table

Description automatically generated">

230121_Raumklima und Behaglichkeit.gh (764 KB)

Sorry for the late response here @wim . It seems from the description that the issue is separate from anything that Ladybug Tools is doing. Looks like it may be some part of Mac security interfering with using Grasshopper correctly.