Layout - Print to PDF not relyable R8!

Sadly layout to print R8 has issues. Does not translate well to vector output, see attached image. This is rather essential to me, my client’s need vector PDF output!
Yes raster output works bud takes much longer to generate and is not what my client’s want!

Were is the option to “preview” a PDF? Now I have to save it and navigate to the desktop, find it and click the produced PDF. Or do missed something? A lot has been changed.


Hi Peter-

Can you please provide the file in question here so we can take a look? If you can’t attach it here, perhaps you could use Rhino - Upload to Support to privately upload it. (If you do, please add to the recipient address). If we can reproduce the problem with your file, we have a hope of fixing it.

Indeed, a lot has changed. That button has been missed and requested. This is logged in:

RH-79156 Print Dialog: Open in Preview functionality missed

Hi Dan,

Thanks for looking in to this issue.

Hereby the file

Happy holidays,



Hi Peter -

Thanks. It looks like there is an issue with extrusion objects. If you convert those to NURBS objects, things look better with this file.

BITC_ING - 417_BANQUETTE TABLE_V04_21-12-2023-NURBS.pdf (22.6 KB)

This issue is now on the list.
RH-79328 Print: Vector print of extrusion objects issue

Thanks Wim,

I did find a workaround!

I exploded the lines where this issue appears.
Then you can save it as a vector PDF without the artifact!

We also fixed the bug. A fix will be available in the 8.4 release candidate which we plan to make available on Tuesday next week. If you need a build before Tuesday let us know and we will send you a link to one.


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I need Thanks

Please note; I am only referring to a fix for the issue posted in this thread.