Layout Export To Dwg

I used the clippingplane function in the perspective view and placed it in the layout. However, exporting the layout data to dwg caused rhino to close. Is it that the export to dwg function cannot use clippingplane and can only use arq’s level for clipping?

Additionally, i would like to ask if there is an export to dwg module in grasshopper (gh), or can i use an api to export to dwg?

Hi @Shih-Hao_Liao can you share that file? we will try to reproduce this issue. You can send it to or upload it here.

That’s not possible so far.

@Shih-Hao_Liao the error you reported here has been fixed in VisualARQ 3 Beta 6, which is already available to download. Check it out New VisualARQ 3 Beta 6 released! - #7 by enric