With a few adjustments these Clipping Sections will be a really nice tool − having plan views from 3D equivalent to, say, Vectorworks is not so far away, within the efficiency and flexibility of Rhino !
Right now the workflow is quite convoluted, based on not so obvious commands. Very immediate improvements that I see on my side are :
- Section parameters directly exposed in properties (planned if I remember correctly some older posts in this thread).
- Ability to select in viewport the 2D layouts to move them around (already mentioned).
And some suggestions that are less critical :
- I support the idea to have the ability to place clipping layouts straight into the layout space. That makes a lot of sense (given they have a scale parameter − already mentioned again).
- Been able to change the color of the section hatch regardless the layer color : for exemple, to have a black section curve and a grey solid hatch for the same object. (Edit : this is in discusison here.)