Layer Order at Project Open is Arbitrary

After a project is newly opened I must click at the top of the Layer Name column for the layers to sort correctly in alphabetical order. (I can’t tell what the order defaults to before that – ie immediately upon opening – perhaps it has something to do with the order in which the layers were created.) Since Rhino 5 this has always been the behaviour I’ve experienced.

This is a problem because the default order is close (though not precisely) to alphabetical. So If I haven’t remembered to resort the layers after opening, it’s easy not to recognize the sorting error, and I’ve occasionally recreated a desired layer not realizing that it was there all along, but sorted into the wrong spot. This can lead to compounding problems.

I’d prefer the sorting to maintain the previous sorting set for aproject, or default to alphabetical.

Hello- my quick test does not show this - - are there linked blocks involved in your scenario? A nd can you tell if the default order is consistent with a given file?


I doubt that it’s caused by blocks linked to outside files, as I don’t use a lot of them but this behaviour is quite common.

It’s worth mentioning that it’s not unusual for me to have two or three hundred layers in a project, though any given project only uses about 30% of them.

My hunch is that they are by default sorted according to the session they were created in, which is why so many are still grouped together in the default arrangement. However, when I open a new project template containing my many layers but no surfaces or polysurfaces, the layers seem to be in order. It seems that once the project accumulates objects is when the sorting becomes jumbled. I can watch to see if it coincides with the use of any sort of block objects, of which I use a lot, but they are almost always internal.