I just updated to the latest Rhino WIP and tried opening a scene I had just previously opened in the WIP, which contains many instances (65k) of the same object (its just a cube).
Whereas in the previous WIP, this would open in a few seconds, the latest WIP has been frozen for many minutes now. It finally opened after about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile is there an easy way to downgrade the WIP? I would hate to have to uninstall and reinstall all plugins, etc.
ps: actually I am not sure if the BlockManager just takes that long to open or if it is not opening at all, but I try to open it and it just does nothing.
I also tested again with Rhino 7 and the file opens there near instantly.
I thought you were supposed to make working with instances better, not worse! Render performance in the viewport is still horrendous, seeing they are all instances of a simple cube. How can we have this number of instances rendered with lighting and shadows at over 100 fps in 4K, but in your viewport I can render the same instances in wireframe mode at half the size and still only get something like 5-10fps!?
What’s also very strange is that if I export the 65k instances as a V-Ray Scene (.vrscene) file and then place it in Rhino again, I can now see all 65k instances and even use Ghosted shading in the viewport and now the viewport is super fast.
So how is V-Ray rendering its meshes differently than you are rendering them and how come they manage to make it that much faster?
Strange. I literally had the file open in the previous Rhino WIP. When closing it said a new version is available, so I did the update. Then opened the same file again and it just does nothing for several minutes.
Did a restart, but same behavior.
So it must be related to the new version in some way.
Is there some way to see a log of Rhino, so I can see why it’s taking so long to open? I just tried again after a restart and it takes around 5 minutes to open the file.
I just tried it again with the file and even though the second to last WIP opens the file a lot quicker again, I have to say the viewport performance is considerably worse in WIP than in Rhino 7.
The PC is a fairly recent gaming PC with i9-11900K, 32GB Ram and a RTX3070 graphics card.
I think and know that a good PC should be able to render 65k instanced cubes very fast. The software that created the file I am loading displays them and transforms them, changes their material and swaps geometries in realtime at >30fps. So it’s definitely possible.
So I am a bit worried that Rhino 8 has loads of cool stuff like Shrinkwrap, which we use a lot, but is not really an improvement on the viewport rendering speed, which we felt is one of Rhino’s big shortcomings.
Hopefully things get ironed out and actually improve over 7 by the time 8 comes out.