Latest update broke functionality in grasshopper WIP6

Just updated to 6.11.18303… Hope this is the right thread.
Stumbled upon the new navigation using two-finger-trackpad methods as in Rhino for Mac, which is great!

I see the following issues in Grasshopper:

  • two-finger drag left/right now works to navigate the canvas, but the movement is very choppy, sometimes my input is ignored for seconds, then picks up again.
  • two-finger pinch now works to zoom in and out, but the navigation is not consistent with the counterpart in rhino viewports. The point to zoom in should determined by the mouse pointer. At the moment the zoom center is somewhere non-intuitive.

Additionally, and more importantly, I cannot select components on the canvas. Nor right-click, nor double-click, …

For now, Grasshopper is not usable for me in MacWIP6.

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