LAN Zoo - license checkout procedure and info

I was looking at the Zoo doc here: specifically for information about how to check out a license and time limits - but I didn’t find anything… What did I miss?

Previously it seemed there was a PDF manual which explained this, but I don’t see it anymore.

I think it’s in the Help file within the LAN Zoo console itself.

License check out is NOT on by default:

EDU Lab licenses are limited to 30 days check out.

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Hmm, that link should be made available on the WIKI page, I shouldn’t have to install the Zoo to find it…

I thought it used to be. I’ll take a better look. I’ll try to get something into the LAN Zoo landing page Knowledge base documents.

I found an old Zoo 4 Wiki page with that information:

I’ll get the ball rolling on an updated one for LAN Zoo 8.

I think this has the information:

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