is Ladybug supported on Shapediver, or are there any plans to integrate it in the future?
I know that Ladybug and Honeybee are dependant on other tools, but was wondering if there’s any potential implementation of it for online scripts in the future.
Ladybug is currently not supported on ShapeDiver. We plan to re-evaluate the Ladybug integration soon, at which point I will update this thread with our decision regarding this plugin and our recommended way to integration ShapeDiver with environmental analysis in general.
hi Mathieu,
thanks for the reply and feedback. Can I ask what could be used for Sustainability that is currently supported by Shapedriver? I’d like to create something detached from Forma alone in Shapedriver.
I am not aware of currently supported tools that could perform the type of Sustainability analysis you are mentioning. If there is a plugin you would like to see supported on ShapeDiver, please let us know here and we will review it.