Labeling Poles direction

I have a problem with direction, first two poles are right but rest are doing there own thing… How it must work is the pole and rails are selected and then the text appear in the direction of the rail. For text I used Wombat.

Is there a different way to fix this, tried with line trough points but then they will not align in the direction with the rail.

Thank you in advanced

Correct orrientation:

Incorrect orrientation:

Direction must towards each other (like the right bottom two): (23.1 KB)

Geometry is not internalized, is there a Rhino file?

Hey Joseph_Oster,

Thank you a lot!
Test.3dm (9.4 MB)

Not interested.

Sorry what do you need? Can change it to Text 3D so no plugin needed?

Yes, Text Tag 3D would be much better than a plugin. But I’ve already gone way beyond that… Including a lot of geometry cleanup :interrobang: :frowning:

Really hate to ask questions but have hit an obstacle. In your code, it looks like one half of the poles get “SD-SB-D” in their labels and the other half gets “SD-BB-D” (“SB” vs. “BB”). What’s up with that? I could write a better question but would rather finish the code I’ve started.

Cleaned it up and changed it fo 3D text, no plugin!

The “SD-BB-D” *(“SB” vs. “BB”) where used to distinguish between left and right side of the poles but no longer needed (first 12 poles named SB and the other BB) rn I would be very very happy if we can fix the orientation. Been trying a lot of things past hour noting works :< (12.9 KB)

I thank you alot!!

WAY TOO LATE :bangbang:

I started from scratch so suspect a lot of duplication between your code and mine. I didn’t have answers regarding the labels so assumed “SB” and “BB” face opposite directions. (34.8 KB)

Haven’t looked at your latest code but replaced Weave with Merge (purple group) to number half the poles with “BB” and the other half with “SB”. (34.8 KB)

You can swap inputs and/or reverse lists to get what you want.

P.S. Looking at your latest code now and see one pole with no label? Perhaps you didn’t clean up the geometry as well as I did? I had to cull a short horizontal fragment that got mixed in with the poles, and sort them to be sequential.

Im so sorry I just went over it and found following…
Is this possible to resollve, its not in the direction of the rail…

Im extreemly gradefull for the help!

I’m sure it is but I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is there an error in my code? If the error is yours, the “Pottery Barn Rule” applies: you break it, you buy it. In other words, it’s yours.

P.S. Maybe you are referring to the fact that my perp frames are perpendicular to a interpolated curve I drew (connecting the points) instead of perpendicular to the fence rails?

Everthing is perfect, I might now why it happens because of the Int Crv?

Maybe a quick fix to ad the fence rail center volmue centroid and add it to the Interpolated curve?

I don’t know what you mean? You can replace the interpolated curve with a polyline (straight segments between points), which helps a little… But your fence rails aren’t even straight :interrobang: (40.8 KB)

Yeah, I think I know what you want. Not sure how to get it with bent fence rails.

I could spend hours cleaning up crappy geometry - but I won’t because it makes me mad. :angry:

The “fence rails” aren’t even the same diameter or height :interrobang:

This is a start, getting sections or the sorted rails. Good luck, I’m done. (44.5 KB)

You know, those horizontal “rails” are garbage and should be replaced using GH to make them straight between the poles, all the same size and height. Whoever drew them so poorly did you no favor :bangbang: Furthermore, the vertical poles also could be created in GH (cylinders), using only points to define their positions and otherwise the same height and diameter.

Garbage geometry - GRR… :-1:
Would be better for you to deal with it, I already know it’s BAD :exclamation: (54.9 KB)

1 Like

Hey Jeseph,
Thank you you put alot of work into it!.. Think I need to deal with it… thank you thank you thank you :pray::pray::pray:

In addtion, added a cylinder (1) and changed the normal 3D tag from grasshopper to a plugin that can output geometrys as closed / polyline curves (2).

Do you happen to know if there is a simpel solution to wrap or project the geomery onto the cilinders?

Thank you alot!

I see that you marked your own post as the solution to this thread. :roll_eyes:

Even if I were willing to install your plugin, which I’m not, how could I try your changes and answer your question when you didn’t post your GH? Don’t bother, you’re on your own.

Hey Joseph,

mm If im right I did mark your solution?

Maybe someone else?
Baked cilinder and text
text3.3dm (2.3 MB) how can I project this on cilinder surface

Thank you alot!

I can do it without a plugin using TextSrf (Text On Surface). What’s the problem?

I’m wondering if does any good to post GH code :question: (44.2 KB)

P.S. Oh, by the way, the plane pairs we have been discussing and laboring over are completely useless now :bangbang: I left them in but they are really not needed. :man_facepalming: