Kiwi for simple steel construction?

Kiwi for steel construction?

Hello dear community and KiwiTeam.I am a Grasshopper beginner and today, looking for a quick way to pre-measure “simple” steel constructions, I came across your nice plug-in.
My requirements/questions:

  • The whole thing should work for a rectangular pattern.
  • Can I select the cross beams based on the vmieses load?
  • Are the Forces of the cross beams automatically directet into the columns?
  • How can I check with Kiwi if my selected column profile is safe from buckling?
  • Is there a way to pre-select bolts based on shear forces?
    If anyone has the time to look at this I would appreciate it.
    Best regards
    Simon (23.8 KB)
Kiwi3dTest_1.3dm (66.2 KB)

Kiwi can be used for the design of steel structures.

  • yes
  • not sure what you mean
  • if the geometry intersects, the members are automatically coupled
  • you’ll get a buckling factor in the upcoming version. until now, only by manually using the forces for the design code
  • no