Karamba Nodal support --> support assemble


Probably a simple question, but I cant find it:

I know how to generate a support with the support karamba 3d component. However I am looking for a component which is more ‘flexible’ / determine the DOF based on input parameters, just like the component (of another plugin, shown here below). (instead of ‘hard choosing’ the DOF)’

Any suggestions if this is possible in karameb?
2021-01-22 Karamba support - input component.gh (12.6 KB)
thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi @GH-KN,

you can either create your own custom component using the scripting guide.

Otherwise you can download the WIP 2.0.0 version from our Github page - https://github.com/karamba3d/K3D_NightlyBuilds/

Oke, thank you for the information.
I think this would be a very usefull tool to develop. Because it would enable a parametric list input / making multiple types of supports while only using 1 ‘karamba support component’.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Mattew,

I tried to 'reconstruct the text - output ‘manually’, so the same data string would be generated. However I noticed something strange.

While the text output looks exactly the same --> 1. support component works, while support component 2. does not…?
It is also strange that the ‘match text’ component doesnot give a ‘True’ value --> all characters are the same.

Maybe it has something to do that is is converted to text and not as a string?

2021-01-25 Karamba manual support component.gh (17.9 KB)

Any suggestion how I could make this work?

Thanks, :slight_smile:

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Hi, you cannot convert a string to a Karamba element. You will need to use some scripting to do this.

Therefore I recommend you install the 2.0.0 WIP version of Karamba in order to assign the supports using indexes.