Kangaroo Tent Structure

Hi, I tried to make a script for a tent like structure on grasshopper. Its working other than the point i want to drag up in the z axis. that point is not generating in the simulation. its only 2d where i want the point i assigned to go up to create the tent like tensile structure.

SimpleTentTensile.gh (13.6 KB)
Simple Tent Tensile.3dm (519.5 KB)

you will find many many examples if you search a bit. Here you must add a “mass” or load on each point with a gravity direction you need.

i cant seem to get it to work

this is your third topic with the same question, why?

i cant seem to get it to work

that’s why

posting multiple topics on the exact same issue does not make the issue go away better, it just bloats the web and the people with redundant information. if you found no help after some time bumping the initial topic should be enough.

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Alright! Will keep that in mind.

like I said it is one way, juts putting a load on 2 points

but as you work with quite big numbers i scaled you geometry by 1/100.
Sometimes if it doesn’t work on your geometry and it work on an example look at the scale. As Strength parameters matters, a big difference in scale needs different strengths parameters.
SimpleTentTensile.gh (19.0 KB)

I appreciate the reply and the explanation! Thank you!

So, just to understand, it was a case of applying loads on the points, and if im not mistaken its also that my scale was huge since it was in mm. right?

I am not sure, so test change scale, strength, …Kangaroo works with goals and many parameters affect the output.

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