Kangaroo Solver: Using solver for equal area distribution for 3 different rectangles

Hello, I have three rectangles scaled in the x direction incrementally. How do I use kangaroo to evenly distribute rectangular areas moving only the interior partition lines.

I know it’s very much a beginner’s problem as I have just started using kangaroo. Any ideas? Would be very much appreciated.

KANGAROO EQUAL ARES.3dm (31.0 KB) Capture2

Hi and welcome @noelnarciso95

Since (if I follow your description correctly) the x dimension of each rectangle is fixed, and also the total y of all the rectangles, I don’t see a way to do this with the built in area goal (since the total area can’t stay fixed, and the current goal takes target area as an input).
So I wrote a new ‘EqualArea’ goal for this purpose. Here’s the definition:
EqualAreas.gh (16.3 KB)
(you might need to update the assembly reference location for the script component when you open it)


“since the total area can’t stay fixed, and the current goal takes target area as an input” – Something I did not consider! I actually tried your solution over here from 2017 [https://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/i-need-an-algorithm-how-to-divide-an-area-with-into-same-size-but] but I was bounding the solver within the boundary of the referenced rectangles. The C# Script helped a lot. Makes me look forward to developing more C# foundation.

Thank you Daniel, this solved my problem.

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