Kangaroo 2 - Initial Velocity, Rotation and settings Components

Hi can you help please,
I’m trying to upskill with Kangaroo 2, I thought a good way would be to convert the Kangaroo 1 examples to Kangaroo 2. What I’ve realised is that Kangaroo 2 is AMAZING! thank you @DanielPiker.
My interest is in simulating moving physics example. But I cannot work out how to create an initial velocity for a particle (equivalent to “particle” component in 0000mass_and_collisions K1 example ).
I would like to create a spinning wheel that I can fix pther bodies to, but I’m struggling with how to create a rotation - position, force or an initial rotation velocity in K2. (See Wheel_Motor K1 example there is a “Vortex” component in the Wheel cluster) .
Finally Kangaroo 1 has “Settings” which adds friction, drag and restitution. how can we impliment an equilvalent in K2?
Any suggestions greatfully recieved.
Thank you
2 Relevent K1 examples attached.0000mass_and_collisions.gh (21.5 KB) Wheel_motor.gh (22.7 KB)
