I have a question regarding the joining of surfaces. I want to join two sheets together. 1 has a transparent material assigned and the other white reflective. When I join these however the transparent material is the only one left.
I would like to join these surfaces and bend them together using point control. But it is important that they retain their own properties, which they lose with join or boolean union. If I don’t join them they will have different control points and, when bent, move slightly apart. Which is also not what I need.
Thanks for the response. And sorry for not responding sooner, these past days have been a bit hectic.
I have uploaded a tryout file so that you can get a better grasp of my problem.
Hi Morgan - the surfaces appear to be identical except the smaller one is a shrunken version of the outer one. A couple of possibilities-
.DupBorder the inner surface. Hide or delete the surface. UntrimAll the outer surface. Split the surface with the border curve.
The result will be two identical surfaces with control points in the same locations - you can edit them together by making sure you select points from both at the same time, or match up the point locations afterwards.
Untrim the outer surface as above but don’t split the surface until the shape is right. Use OffsetCrvOnSrf by .25 to create the splitting curves from the surface edges, or ExtractIsocurve may work well in this case.