Join surfaces smoothly

Hi, I am trying to join this 2 surfaces smoothly but there is always a kink (even though they join with no problem).

I have tried rebuild, blend, match. but there is always a kink when I join them.

I need to maintain the overall dimensions as much as possible.

What would be the best way to join them smoothly? thanks!


surface transiction.3dm (169.8 KB)

I would make the bottom part as a revolve. To make sure the top part matches, just make the first two control points have the same X and Y position (use SetPt).
surface tranx.3dm (104.8 KB)

Did you try MatchSrf?

thanks! I will try!

thanks!!! no, I did only surface blend (which i manage now), but I will try the surface match!

it is because the 2 surfaces are having a different tangency, below you see at which angle they touch each other.

a different approach if you dont want to rebuild it since matching will not be sufficient which will create a discontinuity within the surface, i would make a line from your front view mirror it from the middle and trim the surfaces off with it.

then use blend crv (use extract iso curve to get the curves) to make 3 curves and use the edges if the trimmed surfaces as rails for sweep 2.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-25 um 19.33.01

Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-25 um 19.33.38

Thanks, I had tried blend surface and it worked, but I will try your method too! Thank you!

when you blend the surfaces you are blending two trimmed surfaces which will not keep the edge continuity. just have a look from your front view when you blend.

here you can see on the left that blend creates a straight blend, while on the right it might look like its ok, but i would not use it.

Dear @joanapcunha
i could imagine different approaches…


one possible approach to fix your surfaces might be:
_untrimAll from the complex surface
_split (isocurves, shrink = yes)
_setPt to the new edges, to make sure they are exactly X=0, Y=0, Z=0
_extrudeCrv to get helping-surfaces


of course it is temping to use SubD for stuff like this…
Subdivision modelling is widely used in the context of jewellery…

surface - layout

you might also think of another setup of surfaces.

blue - a simple revolve
green - i started with a _sweep1 and moved the CV s…
I used a trimming from corner to corner - which might be problematic for further modelling steps.
(alternative - keep s small portion of the 2 edges)
brown - _sweep2

thank you!

Thank you Tom! this is super helpful!