Hi all, I am constructing a tower with floor plates of differing heights. My issue is when I try to use the orient component for laser cutting, only one of the faces shows up. I tried brep join and solid union to try and merge the two surfaces for each plate, but nothing seems to work. Here is the gh file for reference. Thank you so much.
orient.gh (28.8 KB)
You need solids for solid union, you have generated surfaces. Try working with curves as much as you can especially if the output is for a laser cutter.
Region union might be easier here as your profile curves are mirrored on the same plane. They were not in the correct order after the solid union though. Sorting the curves by their position in Z fixes this, then you need to partition this list to get a pair to feed into the region union. Some results yield 2 curves and not 1, so group before you orient, then ungroup after.
orient2.gh (31.6 KB)
I understand where I went wrong. Thank you very much for the solution!
Good luck with the project!