Issues trimming surfaces

I can’t trim the remaining surfaces that should be trimmed inside the triangle curve.

I have tried boolean difference (made all the curve to polysurfaces) - not working
I have tried extruding the curve to trim the surfces inside - not working

11.3dm (69.5 KB)

I’d change the tolerance to 0.001 units

Trimming works fine after this…

Expanding on @martinsiegrist comment about the changing the tolerance: The absolute tolerance should be at least an order of magnitude smaller (factor of 1/10) smaller than the the smallest feature. For this geometry there are features of length 0.01. which is the same as the absolute tolerance. Reducing the tolerance after modeling starts can cause problems but it seems to work for this simple model. This model may be better done using centimetres or millimetres as the units.

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thank you Martin, this works well

oh I see, the should also be the issue since it is on meters