Issue while running Shading analysis

I am trying to run a shading analysis and have stumbled upon an issue. My simulation is never giving me any results rather it just keeps on going. Can someone please advise me on what could be the common mistakes I could have committed? From a quick review the error seems to be from the context as the script works when running with just the geometry. What could be the common mistakes linked with the concept that can affect the simulation?

Hi -

It sounds like this is plug-in related. Ladybug perhaps? If so, please visit

thank you for your response. No, I don’t think it is a plug in issue as I was able to run the simulation once I omitted a few surfaces from the context layer. This raises the question on how can the surfaces/ polysurface within the context layer effect my simulation run? The rhino file I am working on was pretty big with a file size of almost 2GB (at least from my point of view as I am used to sizes that range in the MBs). Could having too many surfaces/polysurfaces within my context affect my simulation run and not yield me results?

Hi -

Which Rhino command are you using to run this simulation?
You hadn’t categorized your post, so I suppose this could be a Grasshopper question - if so, please post the *.gh file.