Issue: rs.MatchObjectAttributes() makes objects dissapear

Hi @Dale,

based on your answer on my other topic, I’ve made a modified version of my script. It still puzzles me that copies seem to disappear from the doc when I match the attributes with the orginal.

If I run the script below, I expect the content from all blocks to be in the document. However, the breps from linked blocks have disappeared.

I hope you can help me out.

Best regards,

test_issue_content_dissappear.3dm (395.0 KB)
E_side (linked block).3dm (384.8 KB)

#! python3

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc

def traverse(block_name, my_func, result=None, parent_xform = rs.XformIdentity()):
    if result is None:
    block_objects = rs.BlockObjects(block_name)
    for obj in block_objects:
        if rs.IsBlockInstance(obj):
            child_block_name = rs.BlockInstanceName(obj)
            xform = rs.BlockInstanceXform(obj)
            traverse(child_block_name, my_func, result, xform * parent_xform)
        my_func(obj, result, parent_xform)
    return result

def main():
    # let user select the input
    obj = rs.GetObject("select block with nested linked instances", filter=rs.filter.instance, preselect=True)
    if not obj:
    block_name = rs.BlockInstanceName(obj)
    def create_transformed_copy(obj, result, parent_xform):
            function to create a copy of objects that are not instances 
            @param obj: GUID object ref
            @param result: list of function result
            @param parent_xform: parent transformation matrix
            return None 
        if not rs.IsBlockInstance(obj):
            copy = rs.TransformObject(obj, parent_xform, True)
            # -----------------------
            # match attributes of original to copy
            if rs.IsObjectReference(obj):
                source = rs.coercerhinoobject(obj)
                source_attr = source.Attributes.Duplicate()
                target = rs.coerceguid(copy, True)
                sc.doc.Objects.ModifyAttributes(target, source_attr, True)

    # recursively run this function on all objects in tree
    result = traverse( block_name, create_transformed_copy)

    # "result" contains all breps nested inside the block
    print('result', result)

    # "selection" unexpectedly does not contain breps from linked blocks  
    print('selection', rs.SelectedObjects())

if __name__ == '__main__':