Hi There,
I am using a mechanism in my scripts that goes down the block tree recursively and executes a function on each object. When I create copies of objects that are children of linked blocks, which in turn are nested inside an embedded block in my file, I see that object attributes are lost (e.g. layer, attribute user texts, etc…)
I’ve made a recording and added my files and script below
steps to reproduce: open attached file “main.3dm”, select the block and run the attached script
expected behaviour: copies are added to the doc with identical attributes as the objects in the source file
actual behaviour: copies are added to the doc, but objectLayer is set to currently active and Attribute User Texts are lost
This issue also occurs in RH7 and RH6.
main.3dm (51.4 KB)
linked_block.3dm (43.6 KB)
#! python3
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def traverse(block_name, my_func, result=None, parent_xform = rs.XformIdentity()):
if result is None:
block_objects = rs.BlockObjects(block_name)
for obj in block_objects:
if rs.IsBlockInstance(obj):
child_block_name = rs.BlockInstanceName(obj)
xform = rs.BlockInstanceXform(obj)
traverse(child_block_name, my_func, result, xform * parent_xform)
my_func(obj, result, parent_xform)
return result
def main():
# let user select the input
obj = rs.GetObject("select block with nested linked instances", filter=rs.filter.instance, preselect=True)
if not obj:
block_name = rs.BlockInstanceName(obj)
def create_transformed_copy(obj, result, parent_xform):
function to create a copy of objects that are not instances
@param obj: GUID object ref
@param result: list of function result
@param parent_xform: parent transformation matrix
return None
if not rs.IsBlockInstance(obj):
copy = rs.TransformObject(obj, parent_xform, True)
# recursively run this function on all objects in tree
result = traverse( block_name, create_transformed_copy)
if __name__ == '__main__':