Hello Forum, I have a problem with removing some fillet edges on a bunch of blocks within a file, also a few standard objects too. I have been using the filletedge command-edit, without success. I just want to remove the 20mm bullnoses which have been put on these objects. I only seem to be able to edit 1 edge in the blocks ? And when I do edit an edge back to ‘0’ it removes a full surface face ? Basically I want them back to just a simple box shape. Any assistance appreciated, file attached Edit Fillet Issue.3dm (529.0 KB)
Hello - editing fillets is very limited - only Rhino applied FilletEdge are even eligible, and if several shots of fillets were applied, only the most recent is editable.
@pascal oh no, I have 100’s of these to edit
Are they all boxes?
mostly box shaped yes, funny thing is, some of them edit ok, others don’t, seems funky to me
If they are boxes and you need to simply remove fillets, then BoundingBox
may be enough. If you send me a file with a few examples in the expected orientations, I can make you a thing that replaces objects with bounding boxes and keeps the other object attributes the same.
I kinda managed it @pascal, thanks for the assistance, appreciated