Hi there,
I have a script (python/RhinoCommon) to embed all linked blocks in my model, export a specific InstanceDefinition and restore the state to before the script.
I would expect that changing the updateType would not affect the name, however, the referenced Instancedefinitions seem to get prepended with the block name + filename they were loaded from. This effect is unexpected and makes other scripts unreliable.
Can anyone please help me with this? I’ve added my script and files below
240604_test_save_embedded.3dm (605.8 KB)
linked_blocks.zip (711.2 KB)
from time import time
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino
import re
def main():
obj = rs.GetObject('select', filter=rs.filter.instance, preselect=True)
if not obj:
block_name = rs.BlockInstanceName(obj)
# record the start time
start = time()
idefs = sc.doc.InstanceDefinitions.GetList(True)
defs_to_relink = []
for idef in idefs:
# only change UpdateType for currently linked blocks
if idef.UpdateType == Rhino.DocObjects.InstanceDefinitionUpdateType.Linked:
print('embed', idef.Name, idef.IsReference)
# skip relinking reference definitions, i.e. definitions that are linked inside another linked block
# if the block is a reference, it will already be relinked when it's containing definition is relinked
if not idef.IsReference:
defs_to_relink.append( {
} )
# set updateType back to embedded
idefIndex = idef.Index,
sourceArchive = idef.SourceArchive,
updateType= Rhino.DocObjects.InstanceDefinitionUpdateType.Static,
quiet = False
# export the definition to a file
filename = 'D:\Temp Files/is_embedded_questionmark.3dm'
rs.Command('-BlockManager Export "%s" "%s" _enter ' % (block_name, filename))
print('finished', time() - start)
# restore block UpdateType state as before running the script
for entry in defs_to_relink:
idef = entry['idef']
print('relink', idef.Name)
sourceArchive = entry['sourceArchive']
# set updateType back to linked
idefIndex = idef.Index,
sourceArchive = sourceArchive,
updateType= Rhino.DocObjects.InstanceDefinitionUpdateType.Linked,
quiet = False
print('cleaned up', time() - start)