Thank you so much for your help.
with your help my code went from 34ms to just 3ms.
here is the code:
private void RunScript(List spaces, Polyline boundary, int nOfRays, double rad, List spaceStrings, string desiredView, string streetView, ref object IsoVist, ref object CrvTree)
// var crvTree = new DataTree();
//add boundary to test
var obstacleCrvs = new List();
obstacleCrvs.Add(boundary);//duplicating tree while removing test point Line[][][] crvarr = new Line[obstacleCrvs.Count - 1][][]; for (int i = 0; i < obstacleCrvs.Count - 1 ; i++) { var newCrvs = new List<Polyline>(obstacleCrvs.Count); newCrvs.AddRange(obstacleCrvs); newCrvs.RemoveAt(i); var polylineArr = new Line[newCrvs.Count][]; for(int j = 0; j < newCrvs.Count ; j++) polylineArr[j] = newCrvs[j].GetSegments(); crvarr[i] = polylineArr; } //----------------- //creating isovist //----------------- var centers = spaces.Select(x => x.CenterPoint()).ToList(); var angle = (Math.PI * 2) / nOfRays; Point3d[][] isoVistArr = new Point3d[centers.Count][]; var xVector = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0); var rotatedVectors = new List<Vector3d>(); //creating lines for each center var lineTree = new DataTree<Line>(); var lineArr = new Line[centers.Count][]; for(int u = 0; u < centers.Count;u++) { var lines = new Line[nOfRays]; for(int i = 0;i < nOfRays;i++) { xVector.Rotate((Math.PI * 2) / nOfRays, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1)); rotatedVectors.Add(xVector); var line = new Line(centers[u], xVector, rad); lineTree.Add(line, new GH_Path(u)); lines[i] = line; } lineArr[u] = lines; } //intersect rays with curves for(int u = 0; u < centers.Count;u++) { Point3d[] isoVistArrBranch = new Point3d[nOfRays]; for(int i = 0;i < nOfRays;i++) { var orderPoints = new List<Point3d>(); for(int j = 0; j < crvarr[u].Length ;j++) { for(int k = 0; k < crvarr[u][j].Length ;k++) { double a; double b; bool curveLinIntersects = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LineLine(crvarr[u][j][k], lineArr[u][i], out a, out b, RhinoDocument.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, true); if(curveLinIntersects) orderPoints.Add(crvarr[u][j][k].PointAt(a)); } } Print(orderPoints.Count.ToString()); // var ptToAdd = orderPoints.OrderBy(x => x.DistanceTo(centers[u])).FirstOrDefault(); var ptToAdd = Rhino.Collections.Point3dList.ClosestPointInList(orderPoints, centers[u]); isoVistArrBranch[i] = ptToAdd; } isoVistArr[u] = isoVistArrBranch; } //display isovist var isoVist = new DataTree<Point3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < isoVistArr.Length; i++) isoVist.AddRange(isoVistArr[i], new GH_Path(i)); // //display crvTree var crvTree = new DataTree<Line>(); for (int i = 0; i < crvarr.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < crvarr.Length; j++) { crvTree.AddRange(crvarr[i][j], new GH_Path(i, j)); } } // CrvTree = crvTree; IsoVist = isoVist;
I hope it helps you. If you have any improvments please don’t hesitate to add them.
Thanks again.