Hi Daniel, I’m confused by the shelling example. I think the thickness needs to be divided by two.
shelling.gh (174.6 KB)
Hi Daniel, I’m confused by the shelling example. I think the thickness needs to be divided by two.
shelling.gh (174.6 KB)
Shelling thickens the surface, with the option to thicken to the inside, the outside or both sides.
Choosing both sides offsets by the given amount in both directions, so yes the total thickness of the resulting shell will be double the given number. This is consistent with the behaviour of the Rhino command for Solid>Offset with BothSides=Yes.
I can see how the current input naming is confusing though - if the input is called thickness, it’s reasonable to expect a result with that thickness. I think if I change it to reflect this like your suggestion, I’d also want to change the name of the ‘BothSides’ input option to something like ‘Centered’ or ‘HalfEach’.