Is this possible in rhino

Dongdaemoon Design Plaza-Zaha Hadid(2008,DD~CD stage)

Dongdaemun Design Plaza & Park

Location Seoul, Korea

Program Culture

Area 85,368 ㎡

Floors 4 stories and 3 basement

Year 2008

Collaboration Zaha Hadid Architects

Role: Participated for DDP project since DD stage ~ CD stage.

Been sent to ZHL(Zaha Hadid London) office for coordination and learning Rhino for further communication in CD phase.

During CD phase which Samoo has taken over from Zaha Hadid’s office,

I was in ‘convention hall’ sector team for developing CD phase, and partially in external cladding.

Took in charge of Civil, Fire fighting also, besides architectrue.

After the DDP project, I went back to Digital Design Team to organize/research the ‘Freeform Design Process & Techniques’ and published, “Freefrom Architecture Project’s Design Process & Documentation Guide Manual, (370pg.)” a Handbook which deals with all process & technique that is required for Project manager to start any freeform BIM project.

Description of the project

~This project is governed by the belief that architecture must “enable people to think the unthinkable”. Taking the view that architecture should be enabling, liberating and life-enhancing for the educational experience of designers and visitors, we try to rethink the basic concept of design education. The project is to create a mobile learning resource for designers and the public and an ‘anticipatory architecture’, which is impermanent. It will be an architecture designed for continual cultural change. As a catalyst, this proposal spawns changes from within, to anticipate and offer new possibilities for the city as a whole, constantly challenging and questioning the accepted modes or status quo of design and its relationship to the public. The spatial connections afforded by the fluid architecture promote a dialogue and exchange between the public programme of the city and the contemporary design agenda. Critical Korean traditions and ever evolving design futures are compressed together and mutually benefit from the unprecedented juxtapositions provided by the continuous interior and exterior surfaces of the project. .

Spaceframe structure under the surface of external claddings.

DD phase CG

Real World :slight_smile:

Reviewing the rhino files from Zaha Hadid’s office during DD stage.

Reviewing the rhino structural files from Zaha Hadid’s office during DD stage.

This wireframe information is then forwarded to the structural engineers for coordination.

~Reviewing the rhino files from Zaha Hadid’s office during DD stage.

~Reviewing the rhino files from Zaha Hadid’s office during DD stage.

~Reviewing the rhino files from Zaha Hadid’s office during DD stage.

  • Green area for the sedum to reduce the panel production fee

Making spaceframe structure by parametric script,

see the movie I’ve made.

the spaceframe is made 1m offset from the surface.

By changing to 2m in script, it easily re-forms spaceframe at 2m point of the nodes.

spaceframe auto making script at 1m node point.


  1. rationalizing the surface to reduce the double curvature surface.

  2. making the curvature analysis and creating the surface as smooth can be

Construction tracking when I was in digital design team for the “Freefrom Architecture Project’s Design Process & Documentation Guide Manual” handbook.

It was very fun to see that even in the real world, it’s constructed same as I draw in rhino3D.

‘Surface-fillet-Surface’ is done by workers with flat form at the site.

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Meeting at Zaha Hadid’s office, London, DD stage interim meeting with all consultants, (Architecture, MEP, Structure)

How to make the massing model with rhino3D using T-spline plug-in


While doing little surfing to learn more about architecture modeling in rhino i found this but here also they are using T Splines as @Michael_Pryor said.

Can your share a little bit more information about this person or lecture title?

Hi - here’s a link:

But it wasn’t Joris from Zaha Hadid Architects who did the modularization. That was a person from Bureau Bouwtechniek whose name I didn’t put in my notes.


Coming back to the question if everything shown is possible or not -> The answer is simple: Everything is possible by using no plugins at all. T-Splines makes modelling much easier but has also drawbacks. Furthermore a Sub-D Surface approach is always faster, but that doesn’t mean you really save time in make something buildable. The quality of a project is not determined by the tool but by the people doing it. Of course some tools help you in getting the maximum best outcome, but whats rather important is the attitude, the knowledge and the time spend.


In this thread some of you have discussed about The New Port House - Zaha Hadid Architect’s. Here is a small video about the building I find it in LinkedIn.

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