I don’t get it… are you doing a linear array of the same object?
If so, the Copy command with FromLastPoint=Yes, UseLastDistance=Yes, UseLastDirection=Yes might do it.
Otherwise, try making a line which represents the displacement r x,y. Lock the line and keep it there for reference. Then every time you move, click at the start point of the line for the “from” point and the end point of the line for the “to” point.
Yes, of course. But for reliability, that requires one to replace the Move command with the script everywhere in the toolbars where it is found, create an alias that overrides the command Move so that typing it does not invoke the original command but rather the script, and never using the Move command from the menu.
That’s why I said “there is no good way to do this” and not “there is no way to do this”.
There’s maybe some kind of plug-in you could set up with event watchers that could do this with regular Move, but that’s far beyond my level of skill.
True, I forgot to check that was an old thread and just replied out of context.
(But coding a new “historyMove” would be easy in v7 though, no need to replace Move IMO)
I will forget the x y z values, and go for an ortho view move, so it might be x20 y-5 or x60 z15 etc.
I manage to align something and now wish to move something the same amount in the same view port.
I had selected it and dragged it, perhaps snapped it into place. Just wish to repeat that last move.
I would not have drawn a line for the length of the move, as the move length is going to be a snap or by eye.
Command RepeatLastOrthoMoveSameViewport would do me !
or as a script for a button.
Is such possible now ?
Hope so,
if so can someone script it as a drop into rhino plugin or else to go with a button I make ?
i think what you are looking for can be reached with a small plug-in using RhinoDoc.BeforeTransformObjects Event
and a command that recalls last transformation.
the example in above link give s a straight forward starting point.
( i am not sure if the event catches all transformations including gumball)
I cant fathom out that link and what to do.
I so wish there was a command called RepeatLastMove, surely Rhino remembers the X Y Z distance something was moved and can repeat that on whatever is selected ?
When I used Macromedia Freehand (and by the way files when opened in Rhino withstood magnification accuracy well beyond sane limits) I could move a vector shape then select another and repeat the X Y move.
When I need to select another object and move the same amount as the previous move, keybd shortcut Ctrl M set to be for RepeatLastMove would be so useful.
I am stripping apart a complex object to see what parts are not required, and moving them one at a time lets say x -7, y 0 z 0 on this occasion, so perhaps draw a line that length and use that as reference instead.
But RepeatLastMove would for many things be so useful.
Dear @wim
I would love to see a much more general approach regarding all transfromations that are based on 4x4 matrix: “namedTransformations” - linked already above:
Save on your HD and drag-and-drop into any Rhino viewport - 2 new commands will become available: “MoveEx” and “RepeatLastMove”. Please note, RepeatLastMove only works for objects moved with MoveEx command. MoveEx is basically scripted Move command with a small add-on that makes it remember the last move parameters. So you would need to change whatever alias you use for Move command (typically “m”) to use MoveEx instead of Move. From there, all should work as described.
did you see “my topic / wish” named transformations ?
would be great if the linked topic get s more attention - so maybe comment on that thread as well ?
Here are revised versions of the pair - I was using it over here and found some bugs when working with object grips - should be fixed now: MoveEx.rvb (906 Bytes) RepeatLastMove.rvb (845 Bytes)