Invert selection and hide

Hi all,

i want to put the command as a shortcut, whats the exact name to put in ?

If anybody knows and could help me it would be really nice.


Hi Horst -

!_Invert _Hide

There is a button for this in the Visibility toolbar.


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wow, that was really fast.
thanks a lot!

I have made a keyboard shortcut ‘IH’ and use it a lot. Easier than looking for a button for me.

I have moved the Invert-Hide selection in the visibility group and i don’t know where it goes… can you guys help me how to bring it back?

Since this is part of a default toolbar, using ToolbarReset will bring that button back. Any other customization of default toolbars will revert to default and remember to backup custom toolbars.

Many Thanks Wim…